Welcome to Norval South Africa Genealogy and Blog
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others – But if you cant help them at least don’t hurt them.
Hi! My name is Henry Norval and this is my personal website. Here I will share my life’s interests like Genealogy, History, Aircraft and my Hobbies and whatever else comes to mind.
There is but one rule I live my life by – “Live and let live” 6+3=9 and so does 5+4=9. Proving that there are many ways to achieve the end result. So if I do things differently to you … don’t stress, we will both get there.
Our Feathered Family

Family Genealogy
I have for years had a keen interest in our Norval Families history. It is by no means a complete family tree as there is still so much more that needs to be added. Unfortunately, working for myself limits my time to pursue this hobby of mine.
The prominent surnames thus far are Norval, Botes, De Wit and Maritz. Norval from my Father’s side, Botes from my Mothers side, De Wit from my Maternal Grandmother and Maritz from my Wife’s side.
Norval Love Of Aircraft
Over the years I have taken and “stolen” many photo’s of Airplanes from Airshows, in and around Airports. There is also information on the Mirage F1CZ from 3 Squadron, South African Airforce. The squadron was disbanded in 1992.
I had the privilege of being part of 3 Squadron from 1983 to 1989. Had to be one of the highlights of my life. Met many wonderful people and still have many of them as friends

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Towns and Farms which The Norval Family is linked to
I am busy gathering information on Towns, Concentration Camps (Boer War) and Farms that are linked to the Norval surname. If you can help me with info please contact me.
The towns that I have so far are Norvalspont, Wepener and the Farm Bos Duiven Kop.
Links to GSSA and other interesting sites
The Genealogical Society of South Africa
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