The Moodie Settlers arrived in Capetown aboard the Ship “Brilliant” on the 23 August 1817.
Below is the passenger list for the Ship Brilliant – Not sure how accurate it is at all.
The Ship “Brilliant” Passenger List
ALLAN, John ANDERSON, George, Robert and William ARMSTRONG, John ARNOT, David BAIN, Colin BARTY, John BARTHGATE, John BAXTER, William BEGBIE, Peter BELL, James BERTRAM, John BLACK, John BLAIK(I)E, James (Also William) and Robert BURNS, Peter BUTTERS, Edmund CAIRNCROSS, James, John and William CAIRNS, Alexander CAMERON, James CARR, Thomas CARSE, George CLARK, Andrew *****BURN, George COLLIE, Kirkpatrick COULTHERD, James COUSIN, James CRAIL, Robert *****ING, Niman CUNNINGHAM, Alex. CURDIE, Michael CUTTING, W. and John DARLING, James DAVIDSON, Alexander and Adam DAVIS, John DODDS, Archibald DONALD, George DOUGLAS, John DOWNIE, James DRYDEN, John EDINGTON, Andrew EDWARD, Hugh ELLIOT, George FLEMING, William FOTHERINGHAM, J and W FRIER, Robert GENTLE, Alexander GIBBY, James GORDON, James GRAHAM, Andrew GRAY, John and William GRUAR, David and John GRUBB, James HARDY, James HAUTON, James HAY, John | HENDERSON, John (1) and John (2) HILL, John HOGG, James, John and Robert HUME, David HUNTER, Thomas JACKSON, James JACOBS, William JARDINE, Robert JARVIS, William JOHNSTON, John and Patrick KATER, Thomas KAY, James KERR, Archibald and William KILPATRICK, Alex. KINCAID, Charles LAIDLER, John and Thomas LAING, John and Peter LEARMONT(H) John (Jamie) LILLIE, Allexander LISTER, Jeffray LOW, James and Robert LOWRIE, Allan and James LYALL, William McDONALD, Alexander, Donald, and Thomas McGREGOR, John McHARDIE, Charles McHENDRICK, James McKENZIE, John McLACHLAND, Alex. and Philip McLAUGHLAN, John McLELLAN, Alex. McLEOD, Murdoch McLUCKIE (Also McLUSKIE), William McNEIL, Donald McPHAIL, Alexander and James MATHIESON, Job MEIKLE, James MILL, William MILLAR, Robert MITCHELL, Thomas MORRISON, Alexander and William MURCHISON, John MURRAY, Andrew MUTER, John and Robert NASMYTH, John NEILSON, George NICOL, George (Also William) NORVAL, Archibald, John Senior, John Junior and William OGILVIE, Robert OLIVER, John PARKER, James PATERSON, Archibald, and David | PENNY*****, William PRENTICE, ThomasREID, James ROBERTSON (?ROBSON), James RODGERS, David ROSS, Andrew, George and Robert SANDERSON, John SCOON, James and Robert SCOTT, George, John (James), Thomas, William (1) and William (2) SELKIRK, James SHARP, Archibald SIMPSON, Archibald and James SMALL, James SMITH, Anstruther, George, and James SPENCE, Thomas STRATH, Scott STEPHENS, James STEPHENSON, George, and John STEWART, Archibald STRACHAN, John (1) and John (2) SUTHERLAND, Robert SYME, John SYMINGTON, James TAIT, Alexander and Thomas TAYLOR, James B. TESTER, John THOMSON, Robert and Walter TOLMIE, James VAWSER, William WAIT, James WAITER, John WALLACE, Alexander, David and James WATSON, Andrew WATT, James and Peter WEATHERHEAD, G. WEIR, John WHITELAW, John (1) and John (2) WILSON, John WILKIE, James WINTER, George WRIGHT, John YOUNG, George |