One of the first photos taken of BenoniPrincess Avenue 1925 BenoniVoortrekker Street 1838 BenoniThe Magistrates Court and Standard Bank Corner Cranbourne Avenue and Tayler Street BenoniBenoni Airfield 1942The Cecil Hotel in Rothsay Street BenoniBenoni StationBenoni Plaza showing the Wimpy Bar, location of the bomb blast July 1988The Van Riebeeck Hotel, Corner Tom Jones and Windermere DriveBenoni South African Police Rugby Team. HL Botes furthest right. My Grandfather.Benoni Police sometime before 1956. Sergeant HL Botes far right. My Grandfather.Korsmans Ice Cream Noddy the Pony with MosesOld Photo BenoniBenoni-Ice-RinkBenoni Town Hall Opened 12 October 1938Benoni Town 1980’sBronze Statue Benoni Plaza named TranquilityGlynwood Nursing Home, Harrison StreetHanger from Benoni Airfield still being used by the Police Technical in NorthmeadHanger from Benoni Airfield still being used by the Police Technical in NorthmeadKorsmans Ice CreamRuins of first Benoni AbattoirBronze Statue Benoni Plaza named TranquilityGrand Hotel in Cranbourne Avenue BenoniGrand Hotel Memorabilia